Micro-credential Low Countries Studies


Imagine: you move, for whatever reason, to a foreign country and suddenly find yourself part of a society you know nothing about. You are unfamiliar with its customs, history, culture... . A course to learn more about the country where you are staying would be welcome, wouldn't it? Low Countries Studies aims to reach those people who are finding themselves in this situation in Flanders and is, in other words, meant for people from abroad who want to get to know their new homeland. Of course, anyone wanting to learn more about Flanders, Belgium and the Netherlands is welcome, too!

Various aspects of Flemish society are treated during this course: you not only gain insight into the history, but also into the actuality of Belgium, and more broadly, the Low Countries. By learning more about the historical, social, economic, political and cultural situation of the Low Countries, you also learn to reflect on your own cultural identity. 

In the past few years Low Countries Studies has been a success and welcomes participants originating from over fifty different countries all over the world, from Australia to Zambia.

Practical information

  • 12 lectures on different aspects of life in Flanders, Belgium and the Netherlands
  • On Wednesday evenings

  • 14 February to 15 May 2024 from 17:30-18:45 and from 19:00-20:15

  • in Ghent, Blandijnberg 2 and Hoveniersberg

  • possibility to ask questions and debate with the lecturer and other participants
  • possibility to take part in extra-curricular activities 


Basic introduction to the Dutch language 

  • by Jacques Van Keymeulen (Faculty of Arts)

The Urban Roots of Medieval Europe: the contribution of the cities of Flanders 

  • by Marc Boone (Faculty of Arts)

Geography and landscapes of the Low Countries 

  • by Marc Antrop (Faculty of Sciences)

Rubens or Rembrandt? Art, Politics and the Roots of Belgium and the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th centuries 

  • by Jonas Roelens (Faculty of Arts)

Literature and Rebellion in Ghent since the Middle Ages

  • by Lars Bernaerts and Kornee van der Haven (Faculty of Arts)

The Media in Flanders 

  • by Maxine De Wulf Helskens (Faculty of Arts)

The Belgian federation: origins, functioning, prospects 

  • by Maxime Vandenberghe (Faculty of Political and Social Sciences)

 Polyphonic Music in the Low Countries 

  • by Francis Maes (Faculty of Arts)

The position of Flanders in the Belgian Economy 

  • by Marc De Clercq (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)

Ending life and procreating in Flanders and in the Netherlands 

  • by Freddy Mortier (Faculty of Arts)

The Low Countries and (post)colonial history

  • by to be determined

The Language of Whiteness in Dutch and Beyond 

  • by Sibo Kanobana



  • participation in discussions after the lectures and in the online discussion group
  • short essay (about 4000 words); two options: 

either you write a reflection on the entire programme: what was interesting, what are the most striking differences with your home country, which subjects were clearly lacking (always thoroughly substantiated);

or you write an essay on one topic from the course, comparing thoroughly the situation in Belgium with the situation in your home country. The comparison must be accompanied by a reflection on the differences. The essays are expected at the latest on Tuesday, 31 May, 23:59 and should be handed in via Ufora (A005539A - Low Countries Studies). Under the tab ‘Ufora-tools’ there is an ‘Assignment’ called ‘Essay’.


  • No special requirements
  • If you hesitate whether this course fits you, please contact us.

Micro-credential versus lecture series

  • If you are interested in (parts of) this course, but you do not want to participate in the evaluation or you do not wish to receive a certificate, it is also possible to follow the lectures separately and without evaluation. In this case, you need to register on the infopage Low Countries Studies, lectures.

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Micro-credential Low Countries Studies


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With this micro-credential

  • you obtain advanced knowledge of various aspects of the historical, social, economic, political and cultural situation of the Low Countries, past and present
  • you will be able to collect, select and critically process relevant (historical) scientific information in the field of various aspects of the Low Countries in the present and the past and you can reflect on it, synthesize the results, report and communicate on the findings
  • you recognize the influence of your own ideas and presuppositions on the analysis of historical, social, economic, political and cultural situations of a (possibly  temporary) host country
  • you will be receptive to the value of diversity in multicultural contexts