I am currently working as Assistant Professor of Second Language Acquisition and Dutch in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication at Ghent University.
I obtained my PhD from Ghent University in 2006 on the acquisition of the English laryngeal system by native speakers of (Belgian) Dutch. In the academic year 2006-2007 I was a visiting scholar in the Linguistics Department of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, thanks to a grant of the Francqui Foundation/B.A.E.F. As a post-doctoral researcher I worked on the relation between L2 perception and production (F.W.O. grant, 2007-2010), the development of phonological representations in child L2 learners (F.W.O. grant, 2010-2014) and on media-induced acquisition of English by children in Flanders (Post-doctoral Assistant, 2014-2016).