Veronique Hoste is Senior Full Professor of Computational Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Philisophy at Ghent University. She is department head of the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication and director of the LT3 language and translation team at the same department. She holds a PhD in computational linguistics from the University of Antwerp (Belgium) on "Optimization issues in machine learning of coreference resolution" (2005).
Natural language processing in the last decades has drastically shifted from a discipline in which linguistic rules were handcrafted by experts to a vibrant discipline heavily dominated by machine learning and more recently, end-to-end neural approaches. Veronique has a strong track record in combining linguistic expertise with machine learning of natural language, seeking to automatically model natural language up to the level of semantics and discourse in a wide range of applications, such as cyberbully detection or sentiment and emotion analysis.